Wednesday, April 15, 2009


“And God said... let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:26. What happened? When did man lose this God ordained dominion over all the earth? When and where did Satan advance to the position of ruler having gained all the power and dominion over all this earth?

At one time, Adam had in his possession the title deed to planet earth. God gave it to him. He held title to some of the nicest property in the universe. Initially Adam was sole owner, but all mankind would have eventually enjoyed an equal share in planet earth if not for Adam’s one little slip up. By rebelling against God, Adam and Eve signed over that title deed to Satan and Satan would hold title (dominion) to planet earth for literally thousands of years. As a matter of fact it’s still in his possession.

“And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it,” Luke 4:5, 6. In the above verses, Satan claimed that authority over the earth’s kingdoms was delivered to him, and Jesus didn’t challenge that statement. Here’s a guarantee, Satan will never give even a portion of that power to anyone who won’t worship him. Jesus would never worship Satan, but ungodly men who are hungry for power will sell their souls for a chance to gain that power, and they have.

Satan is the ruler of this world and the prince of the power of the air and has been so, by popular election of mankind, since the days of Adam. “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” Ephesians 2:2. Planet earth is a property currently governed by Satan’s supernatural minions of evil and they hate mankind. Most of mankind has been blinded to this truth since the first rebellion against God.

Since Satan possesses the glory of the kingdoms of this world, and can give it to whomsoever he wills, it should not surprise us to see the ungodly in positions of power in every nation. Is there any wonder that Americans have elected a man completely opposed to God to represent them? Most people follow Satan, not God, and that’s a sad fact.

Should we then be shocked and surprised when ungodly men are thrust into the public eye, men without any governing experience to speak of, and then to be elected by a majority vote to hold the highest office of our land? Can there be any doubt as to the supernatural force behind such a phenomena? Take a trip around the globe and try and find men of godly stature upholding God’s truths while running their countries. How many did you find? Are you surprised yet?

As believers we are in a daily battle with Satan and his minions of evil. Before we became a new creation in Christ there was no battle, no stumbling blocks, Satan owned us and that was that. After becoming born again this life became much tougher. What really makes this life difficult for believers to deal with is that we aren’t blind to God’s truth anymore. It has now become our responsibility to pass on this truth – the truth of the Gospel – to those who are still wearing blinders. But the opposition is fierce.

In our previous existence as unbelievers we couldn’t see Satan’s handiwork. Now that we are believers we see his evil in everything from the men and women running our federal government to even the small city government officials. Those who are deceived can’t see what’s happening in this country and the majority in this country are themselves satanically deceived. True believers, those who actually live a life devoted to Christ, have no doubt about what’s going on. Satan is ruler of this age, and has been for the last six thousand years, although, time’s running out and Satan knows it.

Satan’s lie remains unchanged, although presented differently in today’s vernacular. There really is no difference in what Eve heard from the serpent in the Garden of Eden, “Did God really say” and “Thou shalt not surely die” or the lie that is heard today all over the world. “Is there really a God, and if there is, would a loving God really send good people to Hell just because they aren’t Christians?” Satan never changes his tired old lies; it’s just that he always has a new parade of people traveling through this world that he can corrupt with those lies, always working at expanding his base of followers.

Speaking of followers, only through supernatural power is a man able to achieve what Obama has achieved in so short a span of time. For the most part this man was unheard of a short while ago and now reigns as quasi-king of the world. That’s scary folks. Many people see me as a racist and a bigot because I’m not following Obama. They can call me what they will, it won’t change the fact of who Obama is and who’s behind him. Nor will it change my mind about how the majority of folks in this country, as well as other nations around the world, are so completely deceived that the truth has become a lie, right has become wrong, good has become bad, up has become down, and light has become dark. Evil is evil folks, no matter how we dress it up.

At this point the emails will come flooding in telling me “Well Bush was just as bad” or “McCain would have been worse”. Those folks, having been motivated by satanic deceptions, now see a need to deflect any perception of evil from Obama and lay it at the doorstep of someone else. Have you ever noticed that nothing that is perceived to be evil ever sticks to this man?

Obama, through his proclamation of change has done what the devil is so good at doing; he’s tempted the masses with something better, a better life, and a more prosperous future. His idea of change is to do a makeover on the face of America. The jury is still out on what face he’s trying to put on America, but it’s beginning to look a lot like a Muslim face. Here’s a quote from that dressed up occupier of the office of President of the United States. “The Islamic faith has done so much over the centuries to make my country better.” That is a quote from your president America. Are you surprised yet?

Politicians come and go, and at this point in time in this country we are strapped with some of the most ungodly politicians ever to walk the halls of congress or sit in the office of the President. Personally, I’m not surprised.

“And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.” 1 Samuel 8:7. Something we would all do well to remember is how much Israel wanted a King. Even after Samuel told them all the evil things a king would demand of them they refused to listen. “Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; 1 Samuel 8:19. Israel demanded from God a king and because God wouldn’t violate the national will of the people He gave them what they wanted. They were attracted to Saul because of his outside appearance. But inside, Saul was not near as attractive, not so godly a man. Israel made a huge mistake in seeking Saul as king. God wanted to be their King but He was out voted.

A few thousand years later history repeats itself. America was once a nation where God was King, but He has now been voted out. America is now looking to a man and his outside appearance and listening to his articulate speech for their deliverance. America has voted into office a new king who is as poor of a king as Israel’s Saul ever was. If we can’t learn from history we are doomed to repeat it, so the old adage goes. So, now that America has made her choice, God will not violate her national will. We are now strapped with a man for at least the next four years who will be the vehicle in which America rides out her final assent into oblivion. Surprised yet?

It’s painfully obvious that godly leaders aren’t going to surface any time soon. All we can do to fight the scourge on the land is to be in continual prayer and remember who wins in the end. At any rate, this world shouldn’t be all that attractive to us. The word of God sufficed for Jesus to fend off Satan in the wilderness, and that same word of God is completely sufficient for us as well.
Satan may be the prince of this world but true believers in Christ are not of this world and we have a King who is God and He rules and reigns over us with love and compassion. Knowing we have a Heavenly home waiting for us should keep us going even in the face of such evil adversity.

I pray that God will extract His Church before we undergo many more surprises, such as an excessive amount of persecution. I fear for the brethren that we will all see and feel a hefty dose of isolation from the Obama government before the caught up. Brethren, keep looking up for your redemption draweth nigh.

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