Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Thoughts

There is so much bad news right now with the economy in recession and the prospect of more banks and major businesses failing. I have the feeling from what I read and see that this will not be like any recession in recent memory. When the dust settles it will be a different world for all of us.

But for a day let’s put that aside. We will have plenty of time to come back to it all. Let’s focus on the day of national Thanksgiving that is before us. This is a favorite holiday for my family. We all gather and spend several hours together eating, talking and experiencing.

I count my blessings at this time for our health and the love we share. As to count the things I don't have. I think of Jacob gathering his sons around him in Genesis 49 and telling them their future. That is one of the remarkable scenes in the Bible. A family gathering of twelve sons around their aging father and listening intently to the years of distilled wisdom.

Now I don't have any children, but nevertheless, I still love my nephews, as they were my chidlren.

Enjoy your day of thanksgiving. Think about where all our blessings come from and give God the credit.

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